Versatile Marathi actor Anmol Kolhe is gearing up for his much-anticipated appearance on Swarajya Saudamini Tararani. Amol will reprise his role as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in Swarajya Saudamini Tararani, and he is thrilled to be back in a new production.
Amol shared his excitement for the project on Instagram and revealed that after 6 months of break, he has got a chance to play Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
Amol wrote, “After about six months, an opportunity came again, to bow down again, to play “Maharaj” on the screen again! Swarajya Saudamini Tararani. Monday to Saturday at 7.30 pm on Sony Marathi).”
Amol looks stunning in the shared photos as he prepares to play Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
Onscreen, Amol is most recognised for portraying historical figures such as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Sambhaji Maharaj. Now that he’s back in the spotlight, the actor is overjoyed.
For the unversed, Amol is a Member of Parliament in the Lok Sabha from Shirur. He belongs to Nationalist Congress Party. In Swarajya Rakshak Sambhaji, Amol also played Sambhaji Maharaj.
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