Varun Tej is all set for the release of his sports drama Ghani. The film has completed its censorship formalities and received a U/A certificate. The production company Geeta Arts has posted a tweet with a picture of Varun. “Mega Prince Varun Tej’s Ghani is Censored with U/A. The release date is locked, Announcement Coming soon!” read the tweet.
The makers have given two release date options — February 25 or March 4 — and media reports say that they might go for the former. Earlier, there were speculations that the movie will be released on the OTT platform but the makers have now confirmed that Ghani will premiere in theatres.
Saiee Manjrekar will be playing the female lead in this film, which is also her Tollywood debut. Upendra, Sunil Shetty, Naveen Chandra, Nadhiya, Naresh and Tanikella Bharani will be seen in some important roles. George C Williams has taken care of cinematography while S Thaman scored the music.
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