Mumbai: As actor Bobby Deol turned 53 years old on Thursday (January 27), his brother and actor Sunny Deol dug out a super cute picture from the time when he was a little baby boy. Taking to his Instagram handle, Sunny posted a monochrome throwback picture in which he can be seen holding his baby brother in his arms.
In the caption, Sunny penned, “My little brother. Happy Birthday. Love love and love.”
Bobby replied in the comments section, writing, “Love you Bhaiya.”
Meanwhile, on the work front, the two brothers will be seen sharing screen space in ‘Apne 2’, which is the sequel to their hit film ‘Apne’. They have also done ‘Dillagi’ and ‘Yamla Pagla Deewana’ franchise together. Bobby will also be seen in the second season of the ‘Aashram’ series.
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