Shark Tank India introduced 198 business ideas across its 35 episodes that got aired on TV by Sony Entertainment Television. The Indian business reality show, which was based on the American popular show of the same name, roughly witnessed 198 startup ideas.
A total of 67 ideas landed deals from the investors on the panel, known as “Sharks”. Seven panelists appeared on the show – BharatPe Managing Director and Co-Founder Ashneer Grover, Shaadi.com Founder and CEO Anupam Mittal, Boat Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer Aman Gupta, MamaEarth Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Ghazal Alagh, Emcure Pharmaceuticals Executive Director Namita Thapar, Lenskart Co-Founder and CEO Peyush Bansal, and Sugar Cosmetics Co-Founder and CEO Vineeta Singh.
The show introduced several new business ideas across its 35 episodes that got aired on TV by Sony Entertainment Television. These episodes were aired between December 20, 2021 and February 4, 2022.
How to watch Shark Tank India season 1
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