Television diva Rashmi Desai is all set to play the lead role in a film directed by Dushyant Pratap Singh. The shooting of this untitled film will be held in London in April. The cast and crew of the film have been finalised, and pre-production preparations have been completed. A formal announcement will be made with a poster in the coming days, the director has said.
In a tweet, Dushyant said that the entire team of the film will reach London in April and start the project.
“You will see many well-known Bollywood actors including Rashmi Desai, Shawar Ali, Pooja Bisht, Sunil Pal, and Hemant Pandey in the lead roles of this project. Apart from this, there will also be some UK-based artists whose names will be decided very soon,” he added.
Rashmi made her Hindi television debut with Ravan (2006), followed by a double role in Pari Hoon Main (2008). She became a household name with her most notable performance as Tapasya Thakur in the soap opera Uttaran from 2009 to 2014.
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