Bollywood actress Shruti Haasan took to her official Instagram account to reveal that she is very proud of her boyfriend and doodle artist Santanu Hazarika. The Gabbar Is Back actress posted a series of pictures and a video to thank Santanu and all the musicians with whom she performed some of her favourite songs at an art exhibition, which marked Santanu’s first solo show. The actress thanked the musicians for working with her at the event.
The Ramaiya Vastavaiya actress also extended her gratitude to her sister, actress Akshara Haasan, and called her the greatest cheerleader. The actress also revealed that every day she finds a new reason to “love and respect” Santanu. For the unversed, recently, Santanu, who is the winner of RedBull World Doodle Art Champion 2014, exhibited his artwork at an exhibition in Mumbai’s Worli, and the actress, being the perfect girlfriend, was present there to support her beau. Not just that, she also performed a series of songs with her band at the same exhibition.
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